Concord School

Discovery Units

At Concord School students participate in four Discovery Units which are designed in accordance with the Victorian Curriculum to engage students in authentic learning experiences and activate their curiosity about the world around them. These units are explored developmentally from Foundation to Year 10. Over the course of the students’ schooling journey the content is built upon according to their learning needs, with a different focus for each section to explore. To further enrich students’ understanding, meaningful connections are developed between Discovery Units and other curriculum areas. Integration with literacy and numeracy is supported with the use of relevant mentor texts, language experiences, excursions and activities. The Discovery Units are enhanced by interactive displays and resources available at the Discovery Centre. 

The overarching learning areas include:

  1. SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY – aligned with History and Geography, including diversity, social systems, change, citizenship, relationships and culture.
  2. THE PHYSICAL WORLD – aligned with Earth & Space Science and Science as a Human Endeavour, including systems, innovation, ethics, design, classification and cycles. 
  3. IDENTITY, CREATIVITY AND WELLBEING – aligned with Health and Wellbeing, including expression, change, choices and personal responsibility. 
  4. ENVIRONMENTAL SUSTAINABILITY – aligned with Biology and Sustainability, including interdependence, place, responsibility, conservation, cycles and location. 

The Concord School Discovery Units aim to develop and deepen student knowledge, understanding and skills through explicit teaching and opportunities to participate in student-led investigation. As part of the students’ learning experiences, significant local and global events and issues are also incorporated into our Discovery Units. This promotes development and awareness of a range of concepts such as culture, equal opportunity, human rights, conservation, gender equity, social responsibility and co-operation.


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