Concord School

Digital Technology

Digital Technologies Program

Students at the Bundoora Campus participate in Digital Technology sessions with a specialist teacher in our Discovery Centre. 

Students in Upper Primary learn the essential processes necessary to use iPads and laptops successfully, including typing, word processing and file management skills. They are also introduced to programming through fun, hands on activities with a variety of robots.   

Secondary 7/8 students expand on their skills, focusing on different ways we use technology. They experience a range of topics that include movie making, robotics and coding while continuing to hone their word processing and file management skills. Students also develop their problem solving and collaborative skills by working together in Minecraft Education. 

In Secondary 9/10 and 11/12, students choose elective subjects. They are offered programs that cover topics such as game making, coding, robotics, 3D printing, digital design and movie making. In each program students also develop their essential learning management skills by reflecting on their work in different ways, such as making a movie or creating a PowerPoint or Google Sites website. Students are introduced to Google Drive and Google Classroom. 

The highly popular Minecraft Club is also offered across the Bundoora campus from Upper Primary to grade 12. It is a space where students can share their knowledge, host worlds and work collaboratively whilst having a lot of fun. 

Digital Technologies in the Classroom

The use of Digital Technology is not just limited to the Specialist program. Students have access to an assigned laptop once they commence at the Bundoora campus and iPads are available to complete different educational tasks. The Discovery Centre is equipped with a range of technology, including a green room for movie making and a radio studio, that can be utilised by the teachers and students.

Concord School believes that students need to learn how to use technology safely, respectfully and responsibly. We refer to our Concord ICT Acceptable Use Agreements frequently to remind students of the expectations around using technology. Cybersafety is included in Social Competency and Digital Technology sessions, as well as being included in classroom discussions. 

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